Over the clouds

Over the clouds

Over the clouds

I am on my way back to Shanghai for another business trip last Sunday, and has taken this opportunity to take some shots out from my window to be documented. It started quite early as the Sun has just started to rise while I was on board.

Early Flight from Penang

Early Flight from Penang

Looking out the window on my way to do transit in Hong Kong. The plane was flying around 20000km of altitude.

Staring out to Troposphere

Staring out to Troposphere

Staring out to Troposphere

Staring out to Troposphere

I was lucky to get this Trailing Rainbow shot. It’s not a real window, but a diffraction created due to the thick glass of our window.

Trailing Rainbow

Trailing Rainbow

After the transit in HK, weather got worse as there was a heavy down pour and thick clouds near to the eastern coast of China. Got some shots of thick clouds look as carpet underneath the plane. Look how vast the “carpet” covers over the sky…

Carpet of Cloud

Carpet of Cloud

When our plan started to descend, we moved into the thick layer of cloud, with a rough estimate of 1700km in height, it’s near-zero visibility while in the middle of it.

Thick clouds

Thick clouds

Finally, with exceptional skilled pilots, we landed safely and proceeded with a high-speed gliding on the airway. On the runway, air brakes were deployed fully to increase drag and at the same time increase down force of the plane.

Landing Glide

Landing Glide

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